Thursday, October 4, 2007

Polk Corridor Community Meeting Oct 10

Wednesday, October 10, The Mayor's Office of Economic and Workforce Development will be holding a Polk Corridor Community Meeting from 6:30-8:30 pm at the Cathedral Hill Hotel, 4th Floor, 1101 Van Ness.

This meeting is part of the Neighborhood Marketplace Initiative from the Mayor's Office with a mandate "to develop economically viable neighborhood business districts where existing businesses can grow and expand and new businesses can locate; increase the potential of commercial districts to provide jobs, services and entrepreneurial opportunities for community/local residents; attract public and private investment to improve the appearance of commercial corridors; address quality of life issues such as the perception and/or reality of crime, safety and cleanliness; and build neighborhood-based collaborations between merchants, property owners, residents and community groups that have the capacity to be the stewards of vibrant commercial districts over the long term, " according to the Mayor's Office website.

This meeting will address tree planting, business attraction, cleanliness and safety programs among other topics.

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