Saturday, August 18, 2007

Green Home Center on Polk

Walking home from the street cleanup on Saturday, I stopped into the Green Home Center to see what they have to offer. Dietmar Brand, the center's founder, greeted me and I immediately began grilling him. That's what I do now. Here is Dietmar's story about finding his way in business while trying to maintain environmental awareness . . .

Dietmar's awareness of environmental responsibility was sparked by a radio show he listened to in his youth in Austria. The show focused on healthy, sustainable living. Ever since, Dietmar has struggled to integrate green practices in his work. Not always an easy or profitable proposition.

When Dietmar began representing lines of green cabinets he decided he needed a showroom. The showroom evolved into the Green Home Center, where many sustainable, green, home products are available. Offerings include home remodeling and building materials, interior design goodies, baby clothes, and a number of green home services. A green architect, a solar installer, and a green outdoor living firm all have spaces in the Center.

I found it extremely helpful to find one location to source green materials for a home remodel (my kitchen and bath some-a-day). Surprisingly, my favorite options are less expensive or about the same as the not-so-green alternatives I had been finding in the big box stores.

I watch a LOT of home remodeling TV, so I thought I had seen all the green materials out there, but I was surprised. Some of these materials and services deserve their own posts, so more on these in the days to come. (Hint - Paper Stone)

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